
When you start a new Laravel Zero project, error and exception handling is part of the core.

The Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions\Handler class is where all exceptions triggered by your application are logged and rendered back to the user.

If you would like to view the internals, this class is part of the laravel-zero/foundation package.

Custom Exception Handler

When working with Laravel Zero you might want to prevent some exceptions to be reported to the end user.

As Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions\Handler is part of the core you can't just modify it to fit your needs. Your modifications would be overwritten with every update of Laravel Zero.

Below we'll describe how you can create your own handler so you can add your custom logic.

Creating The Handler Class

Inside your app folder, create a new folder Exceptions. Inside that folder, create a file called Handler.php. This will be our new Handler in the next few minutes.

Copy the content below and paste it in your newly created file.


namespace App\Exceptions;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions\Handler as ExceptionHandler;
use Throwable;

class Handler extends ExceptionHandler
     * A list of the exception types that are not reported.
     * @var array
    protected $dontReport = [
        // \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException::class,

     * Register the exception handling callbacks for the application.
     * @return void
    public function register()
        $this->reportable(function (Throwable $e) {

As you can see we are just extending the default handler here.

The above content might feel familiar to those using Laravel.
It's a trimmed down version of the App\Exceptions\Handler of Laravel.

See the official Laravel documentation for more details.

Replacing The Default Handler

In the file bootstrap/app.php look for the following code.


Replace the Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions\Handlers::class with your newly created App\Exceptions\Handler:class.


You can now start handling exceptions in your new Handler.php file.

Ignoring Exceptions

The $dontReport property of the exception handler contains an array of exception types that will not be logged. For example, if you would not like to report the RuntimeException, you would add it to the dontReport array.

protected $dontReport = [

This however results in RuntimeException not being reported at all. More fine grained control can be achieved by updating the register function.

The following would prevent the Not enough arguments exception to be reported, but any other RuntimeException would still be reported.

public function register(Throwable $exception)
    $this->reportable(function (RuntimeException $e) {
        if (Str::contains($e->getMessage(), ['Not enough arguments'])) {
            return false;

If you would like to disable the reporting only when running from the built phar file you could use the \Phar::running() function.

if (\Phar::running()) {
    $this->reportable(function (RuntimeException $e) {
        if (Str::contains($e->getMessage(), ['Not enough arguments'])) {
            return false;